Software License NV offers you a detailed section that lists all of your software licenses used on each machine in your cloudspace. This can help customers easily take an overview of all licenses they have in one place.
What is a software license ?
Software license states the rights of the developer and user of a piece of software. It defines how the software can be used and how it will be paid for. The following are some examples of specifications a license might include:
- How many times the software can be downloaded ?
- What the software will cost ?
- What level of access users will have to the source code ?
Why software licenses are important ?
Software license establishes the rights of all parties involved with the software:
- The author
- The provider
- The end users.
It defines the relationship between the software company and users and explains how they are protected.
How much does a software license cost ?
The cost of a software license depends on the type of license, the type of software and the pricing model. There may be a one-time fee that gives the user ownership rights to the software program. Buying the license up front and gaining the rights to use the software indefinitely.
Alternatively, the user may pay an initial fee followed by a subscription plan where payment is made at regular intervals.
Access software license on NV
You can simply access your software licenses by opening up your NV portal, then click Software licenses in the left navigation menu.
The list of all the licenses on your account will appear, where you can search for a specific license. Additionally, you can see the location, cloudspace and virtual machine where each license is used.
Supported software licenses
Since we collect all the licenses that you use in one place for you, this can help you get an overview of the licenses added to your upcoming invoices. Octopus Deploy integrates with NV portal to automatically detect the licenses used in each virtual machine, the licenses of multiple Microsoft products are supported like: Windows, Microsoft 365, SQL Server...etc. The list of supported licenses is updated frequently to keep up with various and new products.