Terraform Plugin User Guide
whitesky.cloud NV consists of several locations where you can deploy your infrastructure. We have multiple ways of deploying said infrastructure: The portal, CLI, API and terraform. This article describes how you can use Terraform in combination with the whitesky.cloud NV's terraform provider to elevate the management of your infrastructure. Deploying new infrastructure and scaling them when needed has never been easier.
With our terraform provider you can create, update and destroy your cloud resources (Cloudspaces, Virtual Machine, Port forwards, etc.) It allows you to manage different locations from the same terraform file. If you have no experience with Terraform, we will guide you through your first steps as well. Let's get started with the prerequisites.
- User account
- At least one location
- JWT Token
To access a valid JWT token:
- Go to whitesky.cloud NV portal.
- Click APIs in the navigation drawer on the left side of the page.
- Click Copy JWT to copy the JWT token. You can also click on the downward-facing arrow icon to display the JWT token.
Access to a location: Ensure that your IAM user is added to the locations where you are going to deploy your infrastructure. Request your whitesky.cloud NV admin to provide you with the needed access.
Step 1 - Install Terraform
You are required to have Terraform version 0.12.4 or higher. Check the Terraform official documentation to learn more about how you can install Terraform on your machine. Additionally, you can Download the appropriate Terraform package for your system. Plus, you can check some previous versions if needed.
Note: Terraform version used in this tutorial: 0.14.7, OVC provider version: ~>2.0.0. Please make sure that you always use compatible Terraform and location provider binaries in order to manage locations using your Terraform file.
To install Terraform version 0.14.7:
- Execute the following command.
curl -O https://releases.hashicorp.com/terraform/0.14.7/terraform_0.14.7_linux_amd64.zip
- Extract the .zip file in
directory using the following command.sudo unzip terraform_0.14.7_linux_amd64.zip -d /usr/bin/
- Download the windows Terraform binary version from the list of Terraform releases.
- Extract Terraform to a directory
- Add the directory to the
Verify installation by executing terraform
. You should see the Terraform help page appear in your terminal. Also, you can check the installed version by executing terraform -version
Step 2 - Install location Terraform provider
Terraform uses provider plugins to interact with specific cloud infrastructures.
The Terraform provider is a binary used as a plugin for Terraform. You can find the whitesky.cloud NV's Terraform provider in the Downloads section.
After extracting the .zip file, move the provider binary to the following directory.
Note: The given plugin path is for Terraform versions 0.13 and higher. Different Terraform versions may require a different path than the one given above.
Step 3 - Terraform configuration
Configuration files
Now that Terraform and the necessary provider are ready to be used, we can create a directory for our terraform configuration using the following command.
mkdir ~/terraform_config
Note: Each configuration directory can contain only a single set of configuration files.
Make sure no irrelevant files with extension .tf
are present in the directory, since Terraform will consume all .tf
In detail, you can learn about Terraform configuration files and Terraform configuration language in Terraform official docs.
In this tutorial we use three types of configuration files:
- contains the settings we want to use.variables.tf
- contains the definition of the variables and their defaults.-
- contains the configuration of the infrastructure we want to set up and consists of blocks of different types. In this tutorial we use the following constructs:provider
block describes provider configurations, resource types, their arguments and attributes. Each configuration should contain a provider block.resource
block describes a resource of a given type. By adding/changing/deleting this block we can create/update/destroy the resource it is pointing at.data
block describes a data resource. These types of blocks are used to export information of one or several existing resources to the local Terraform module where it can be used in other blocks.
Terraform commands
Initialize a working directory
This is the first step after creating a new Terraform configuration.
terraform init
Verify provider
In the previous step the try-whitesky-cloud binary has been manually installed by moving it to the Terraform plugins folder.
In order for Terraform to actually recognize the plugin, a provider block needs to be specified. This can be done by entering the following in the main.tf file in the working directory.
terraform {
required_providers {
try-whitesky-cloud = {
source = "try-whitesky-cloud/try-whitesky-cloud"
version = "2.0.3"
required_version = ">= 0.14"
Initialize the working directory again and Terraform should initalize the provider plugins.
terraform init
You can now also verify provider installation, Terraform should list installed provider plugins:
cd ~/terraform_config
$ terraform providers
└── provider[registry.terraform.io/try-whitesky-cloud/try-whitesky-cloud] 2.0.3
Verify configuration
Configuration can be validated by Terraform within the configuration directory.
terraform validate
Plan execution
Generate and show the execution plan.
terraform plan
Apply changes
Build or change infrastructure.
terraform apply
List states
Terraform is stateful, by default state of each resource is stored locally in the configuration directory in file terraform.tfstate
. To list all the resources Terraform keeps track of, execute.
terraform state list
Environmental variables
Terraform makes use of a number of environmental variables to customize some aspects of Terraform behavior and to set input variables. For example, if a variable name
is expected to be a part of the configuration, but is not defined in configuration files Terraform will try to fetch the value from the environmental variable TF_VAR_name
Location configuration
To configure your credentials with a location provider, set JWT as an environmental variable
export TF_VAR_client_jwt=""
By default, timeouts are set to 120 seconds. You can change the timeout by setting the environment variable
export TF_VAR_client_api_timeout=120s
You can also set the timeouts inside your Terraform configuration:
resource "example" "my_cluster" {
# ...
timeouts {
create = "60m"
Managing resources
Provides a try-whitesky-cloud machine which allows machines to be created, updated and deleted.
Example Usage
resource "try-whitesky-cloud_machine" "machine" {
customer_id = "${var.customer_id}"
cloudspace_id = "${var.cloudspace_id}"
name = "MyMachine"
description = "Machine Provisioned With Terraform"
disk_size = 10
vcpus = 1
memory = 1
image_id = 5
Argument Reference
The following arguments are supported:
Argument | Description |
customer_id | (Required) Customer ID |
cloudspace_id | (Required) The cloudspace ID of the cloudspace where the machine needs to be created. |
name | (Required) Name of the machine. |
description | (Required) Description of the machine. |
disk_size | (Required) Size of the boot disk in gigabytes. |
vCPUs | (Required) Number of CPUs to assign to the machine. |
memory | (Required) Amount of memory to assign to the machine in MiB. |
image_id | (Optional) The image ID of the image to use for this instance. |
cdrom_id | (Optional) The CDROM ID of the image to use for this instance. |
os_type | (Optional) CD-ROM Image OS type. Available values: Linux, Windows, Unix, BSD, Darwin, Other. |
private_ip | (Optional) Private IP of the machine (should be inside the cloudspace network). |
iops | (Optional) IOPS limiting of the boot disk. |
data_disks[] | List of extra disk sizes in gigabytes. |
external_networks[] | List of extra external networks. External network ID should be used. |
disk_id | (Optional) Start the machine from this disk ID image. |
act_as_default_gateway | (Optional, default to false) Set to true if this machine should act as a default gateway of its cloudspace. Note that only one machine in the cloudspace can act as a gateway, if more than a single machine have this flag, each machine will set the default gateway to its IP address, which will lead to unexpected behavior. To reset the default gateway to the virtual gateway IP address, set the flag to false. |
In order to set the default gateway to a different machine on the cloudspace:
- set flag to false on the machine_1 - current gateway
- set flag true on the machine_2 that will take over
- add dependency to the resource of the machine 2:
depends: [try-whitesky-cloud_machine.machine_1]
- this is necessary to sort actions to first reset gateway to default, and then to set a new machine to the gateway role.
Creates a cloudspace port forward for a specific machine.
Example Usage
resource "try-whitesky-cloud_port_forwarding" "machine_pfwd0" {
vm_id = "${var.var_id}"
cloudspace_id = "${var.cloudspace_id}"
customer_id = "${var.customer_id}"
protocol = "${var.protocol}"
local_port = "${var.local_port}"
public_port = "${var.public_port}"
Argument Reference
The following arguments are supported:
Argument | Description |
vm_id | (Required) VM ID. |
cloudspace_id | (Required) The cloudspace ID of the cloudspace where the port forward needs to be created. |
customer_id | (Required) Customer ID. |
protocol | (Required) Protocol for port forwarding. Available values: UDP, TCP. |
local_port | (Required) local port of the machine where to forward to. |
public_port | (Required) public port which should be forwarded. |
nested_cs_id | (Optional) Nested Cloudspace ID. |
Creates extra disks used by try-whitesky-cloud machines
Example Usage
resource "try-whitesky-cloud_machine" "machine" {
customer_id = "${var.customer_id}"
cloudspace_id = "${var.cloudspace_id}"
name = "MyMachine"
description = "Machine Provisioned With Terraform"
disk_size = 10
vcpus = 1
memory = 1
image_id = 5
resource "try-whitesky-cloud_disk" "disk1" {
customer_id = "${var.customer_id}"
vm_id = "${ try-whitesky-cloud_machine.machine.id }"
location = "${var.location}"
disk_name = "terraform_disk"
description = "Disk created by terraform"
size = 10
type = "DATA"
iops = 1000
resource "try-whitesky-cloud_disk" "disk2" {
customer_id = "${var.customer_id}"
vm_id = "${ try-whitesky-cloud_machine.machine.id }"
location = "${var.location}"
disk_name = "terraform_disk"
description = "Disk created by terraform"
size = 15
type = "DATA"
iops = 1500
depends_on = ["try-whitesky-cloud_disk.disk1"]
For creating several disks add resource construct for each disk separately, add dependency between disks to create them sequentially.
Terraform allows creating multiple objects with attribute count
, but in this case it is not allowed, since try-whitesky-cloud supports only adding one disk to a VM at a time.
Argument Reference
The following arguments are supported:
Argument | Description |
customer_id | (Required) Customer ID. |
vm_id | (Required) VM ID of the machine where the disk should be attached. |
location | (Required) Location. |
disk_name | (Required) Disk name of the disk. |
description | (Required) Disk description. |
size | (Required) Size in gigabytes of the disk. |
type | (Required) Type of disk, following options are supported: BOOT, DATA. |
iops | (Optional) Maximum IOPS disk can perform, defaults to 2000. |
Creates cloudpsaces
Example Usage
resource "try-whitesky-cloud_cloudspace" "cloudspace" {
customer_id = "${var.customer_id}"
location = "${var.location}"
name = "cloudspace"
private_network = ""
external_network_id = 1
private = false
resource_limits = {
memory_quota = 3.0
vdisk_space_quota = 12
public_ip_quota = 3
vcpu_quota = 4
external_network_quota = 4
Argument Reference
Argument | Description |
customer_id | (Required) Customer ID where the cloudspace will belong to. |
location | (Required) Location. |
name | (Required) Name of space to create. |
private_network | (Optional) private network CIDR eg. |
resource_limits | (Optional) specify resource limits block. |
memory_quota | (Optional) max size of memory in GB. |
vdisk_space_quota | (Optional) max size of aggregated vdisks in GB. |
vcpu_quota | (Optional) max number of CPU cores. |
public_ip_quota | (Optional) max number of assigned public IPs. |
external_network_quota | (Optional) max number of external networks. |
private | (Required) Firewall should be private (true or false). |
external_network_id (Optional, Conflicts with parent_cloudspace_id) | External network ID to use. |
parent_cloudspace_id (Optional, Conflicts with external_network_id) | Parent cloudspace ID to use. |
custom_fw_cdrom_id (Optional) | Custom firewall CDROM ID to use. |
custom_fw_image_id (Optional) | Custom firewall image ID to use. |
custom_fw_disk_size (Optional) | Custom firewall disk size. |
custom_fw_memory (Optional) | Custom firewall memory size. |
custom_fw_vcpus (Optional) | Custom firewall number of CPU. |
custom_fw_type (Optional) | Custom firewall type. Available type: [Linux, Windows, Unix, BSD, Darwin, Other]. |
Adds a remote connection to cloudspace
Example Usage
resource "try-whitesky-cloud_connected_cloudspaces" "tunnel" {
customer_id = "${var.customer_id}"
cloudspace_id = "${var.cloudspace0.id}"
connected_cloudspace_id = "${var.cloudspace1.id}"
Argument Reference
Argument | Description |
customer_id | (Required) Customer ID where the cloudspace will belong to. |
cloudspace_id | (Required) ID of the cloudspace. |
connected_cloudspace_id | (Required) ID of the cloudspace to connect to. |
Adds Anti-Affinity Group
Example Usage
resource "try-whitesky-cloud_antiaffinity" "af" {
customer_id = "${var.customer_id}"
cloudspace_id = "${var.cloudspace0.id}"
group_id = "${var.group_id}"
spread = "${var.spread}"
Argument Reference
Argument | Description |
customer_id | (Required) Customer ID where the cloudspace will belong to. |
cloudspace_id | (Required) ID of the cloudspace. |
group_id | (Required) Name of the group. |
spread | (Required) Amount of physical nodes to spread VMs over. Set to -1 for infinite spread. |
Adds virtual machine anti-affinity group
Example Usage
resource "try-whitesky-cloud_machine_antiaffinity" "machine_af" {
customer_id = "${var.customer_id}"
cloudspace_id = "${var.cloudspace0.id}"
group_id = "${var.group_id}"
vm_id = "${var.vm_id}"
Argument Reference
Argument | Description |
customer_id | (Required) Customer ID where the cloudspace will belong to. |
cloudspace_id | (Required) ID of the cloudspace. |
group_id | (Required) Name of the group. |
vm_id | (Required) VM ID. |
Retrieving data sources
Use this data source to retrieve information about a machine in a cloudspace either by name or VMID
Example Usage
data "try-whitesky-cloud_machine" "machine" {
cloudspace_id = "${var.cloudspace_id}"
customer_id = "${var.customer_id}"
vm_id = "${var.vm_id}"
Argument Reference
Argument | Description |
cloudspace_id | (Required) ID of the cloudspace where the machine is located. |
customer_id | (Required) ID of the customer. |
vm_id | (Optional, Conflicts with name) ID of the machine to look up. |
name | (Optional, Conflicts with vm_id) Name of the machine to look up. |
Use this data source to retrieve information about all machines in a given cloudspace
Example Usage
data "try-whitesky-cloud_machines" "machines" {
cloudspace_id = "${var.cloudspace_id}"
customer_id = "${customer_id}"
Argument Reference
Argument | Description |
cloudspace_id | (Required) ID of the cloudspace where the machines are located. |
customer_id | (Required) ID of the customer. |
Use this data source to get information like quota for a cloudspace
Example Usage
data "try-whitesky-cloud_cloudspace" "cloudspace" {
cloudspace_id = "${var.cloudspace_id}"
customer_id = "${var.customer_id}"
Argument Reference
Argument | Description |
customer_id | (Required) ID of the customer. |
cloudspace_id | (Optional, Conflicts with name) ID of the cloudspace. |
name | (Optional, Conflicts with cloudspace_id) Name of the cloudspace. |
Use this data source to retrieve information about all cloudspaces for a given customer
Example Usage
data "try-whitesky-cloud_cloudspaces" "cloudspaces" {
customer_id = "${customer_id}"
Argument Reference
Argument | Description |
customer_id | (Required) ID of the customer. |
Use this data source to get location information by name
Example Usage
data "try-whitesky-cloud_location" "location" {
customer_id = "${var.customer_id}"
name_regex = "${var.name_regex}"
Argument Reference
Argument | Description |
customer_id | (Required) ID of the customer. |
name_regex | (Required) full name or name pattern for regex search. |
Use this data source to retrieve information for all customer locations
Example Usage
data "try-whitesky-cloud_locations" "locations" {
customer_id = "${customer_id}"
Argument Reference
Argument | Description |
customer_id | (Required) ID of the customer. |
Use this data source to get the information of a disk in a location by disk ID
Example Usage
data "try-whitesky-cloud_disk" "disk" {
customer_id = "${var.customer_id}"
location = "${var.location}"
disk_id = "${var.disk_id}"
Argument Reference
Argument | Description |
customer_id | (Required) ID of the customer. |
disk_id | (Required) ID of the disk. |
location | (Required) location of the disk. |
Use this data source to get information about a port forward of a specific machine and a local port
Example Usage
data "try-whitesky-cloud_port_forwarding" "pfwd" {
cloudspace_id = "${var.cloudspace_id}"
customer_id = "${var.customer_id}"
local_port = "${var.local_port}"
vm_id = "${var.vm_id}"
Argument Reference
Argument | Description |
vm_id | (Required) VM ID. |
cloudspace_id | (Required) Cloudspace ID. |
customer_id | (Required) ID of the customer. |
local_port | (Required) local port. |
Use this data source to retrieve image by name. If more than a single image matches the query, Terraform will fail.
To return the list of images use the data source try-whitesky-cloud_images
Example Usage
data "try-whitesky-cloud_image" "im"{
customer_id = "${var.customer_id}"
location = "${var.location}"
name_regex = "${var.name_regex}"
most_recent = true
Argument Reference
Argument | Description |
customer_id | (Required) ID of the customer. |
location | (Required) Location. |
name_regex | (Optional) full name or name pattern for regex search. If set to "" all available images will be looked up. |
most_recent | (Optional) If set to true , it will search for the latest created image within the scope (image with the largest ID). |
Use this data source to retrieve a list of images by name
Example Usage
data "try-whitesky-cloud_image" "im"{
customer_id = "${var.customer_id}"
location = "${var.location}"
name_regex = "${var.name_regex}"
Argument Reference
Argument | Description |
customer_id | (Required) ID of the customer. |
location | (Required) Location. |
name_regex | (Optional) full name or name pattern for regex search. If set to "" all available images will be looked up. |
Use this data source to retrieve external network information either by name or ID.
To return the list of external networks use the data source try-whitesky-cloud_external_networks
Example Usage
data "try-whitesky-cloud_external_network" "en"{
customer_id = "${var.customer_id}"
location = "${var.location}"
name = "${var.name}"
Argument Reference
Argument | Description |
customer_id | (Required) ID of the customer. |
location | (Required) Location. |
name | (Optional - Conflicts with external_network_id) full name. |
external_network_id | (Conflicts with name) external network ID. |
Use this data source to retrieve a list of external networks
Example Usage
data "try-whitesky-cloud_external_networks" "ens"{
customer_id = "${var.customer_id}"
location = "${var.location}"
Argument Reference
Argument | Description |
customer_id | (Required) ID of the customer. |
location | (Required) Location. |
This section contains a few Terraform examples. Each example requires several settings to make it work. Below are the settings that are required in each example:
- The try-whitesky-cloud JWT.cs_name
- The name of the cloudspace.
Apart from these settings, each example can have its own specific settings.
This example uses a JWT from try-whitesky-cloud for authentication and uses the ovc_image
data source to fetch the latest ubuntu 16
image ID from OVC using regex.
There is also a port forward defined for the machine, forwarding port 2222
on the public IP of the cloudspace to 22
on the VM.
In terraform.tfvars , the userdata
is given where a user Carmichael
is defined to be created with a public key to be added to Carmichael
's authorized_keys file.
The following parameters need to be configured in terraform.tfvars
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Multiple disks
This is an example of how to set up a VM with a boot disk and 2 additional data disks attached to the VM.
The following parameters need to be configured:
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External networks
This is an example of how to attach a VM to an external network or detach it from an external network.
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Custom firewall
This is an example of how to deploy a cloudspace with a custom firewall.
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